Helping families fall in love with God and each other

MEN -- have you ever wished women came with instructions? Me too. But I'm not sure why. We guys don't read instructions. But if there were instructions, would you be willing to give them a try?


This book offers the help you've been waiting for, and challenges you with questions like these:


Could it be that ...

your wife doesn't start arguments, but she only shares her heart?


Could it be that ...

when you feel like your wife is attacking you, she is really trying to tell you what she's afraid of?


Could it be that ...

your wife seems like she is in-charge of your family, but she actually doesn't want the job?


Could it be that ...

your wife married you because she felt her heart was going to be safe with you?










Ladies, don't miss the half-day
retreat on April 20. For details


