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Family Ministries a distributor for



What the Bible Says About Child Training - DVD Set
Recorded live in 1983, 4-session seminar on 2 discs
4 oz   -   $39.00

What the Bible Says About Child Training - CD Set  Recorded in 1996, 6 sessions on 6 discs 
8 oz  - $39.00





No Place Like Home...School
Six Audio Cassette Tapes

by J. Richard Fugate

11oz   -   $42


Rick Fugate was one the foremost speakers on parenting and homeschooling in the country in the 1990's. This set consists of six of his best keynote addresses given at state home school conferences. These messages are invaluable for all parents, whether homeschool veterans or just considering home schooling.   



Biblical Womanhood

VICTORIOUS WOMEN On the Other Side of the Garden
by Virginia Fugate 
12oz    --   $11.00

This is the sequel to Virginia’s popular women’s book, On the Other Side of the Garden – Biblical Womanhood for Today’s World. Most of its chapters are based on letters she has received since the release of her first book.  Women wrote to share how God had changed their lives through Biblical womanhood.  Virginia soon realized that the victories, struggles, and questions expressed must be shared with others.  She believes the joy over what God has accomplished in the lives of these ladies will inspire others to look to Him for the victory in their own lives.

A few of the subjects addressed in this book are:

  • The secret to Biblical womanhood – trust in God

  • How not to be affected by your husband’s moods

  • A woman’s words – uplifting or undermining

  • The super-woman syndrome

  • Victory over financial worries

  •  Dealing with unfaithfulness and the victory of forgiveness



Personal Growth

A Hidden Key to Victory
What the Bible Says About Suffering
by J. Richard Fugate
12oz    --   $12

How are we to respond to life’s suffering when it comes? Should we pray it away? Should we simply put up with it, or does the Bible prescribe for us better responses? Rick Fugate is a relentless pursuer of biblical Truth, and in this book he has done a masterful job of culling from the Scriptures what God has to say about suffering. Whether you are going through intense pain or heartache in your life, or you know someone facing trauma, this book will equip and inspire you with Truth straight from the heart of God. It’s message is deep. Its presentation is simple. Since it’s from the Bible, it is profound. Pastors and biblical counselors will particularly find here a mine rich with spiritual Truth and practical help.      


To see more of the Fugates' books for sale, as well as other Bible-based materials on marriage, spirituality, and parenting, go to the FAMILY MINISTRIES homepage.


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