NEW REVISED AND UPDATED 2020 EDITION This is not just another book on child training. It is a manual consisting of symptom lists which identify behavior problems, and expose trouble spots in parenting. This book has no equal! Answered are questions like:
Few parents today realize how peaceful parenting can be. Many assume that children need to go through "phases" like the "terrible twos" or the "rebellious teens" -- they are wrong. This series exposes to parents many of their blind spots and offers them a practical plan for raising delightful children who obey quickly and happily. Set includes "God, TV & the Family."
Multitudes of homeschool parents around the country, including leaders, have graduated their first batch of kids, only to watch their graduates go wayward. Many were model homeschoolers while growing up, but sometime after their 18th birthday they began to reveal that they didn’t hold to their parents’ values. In this 4-session set Reb exposes blind spots in parenting which contribute to the breakdown of relationship between parents and children, and thereby increase prodigal tendencies. Every homeschooler and every family-minded parent needs to hear these messages. While Reb's Child Training Tips book teaches how to shape children's behavior, this series explains how to influence children's hearts. Session titles include:
Solving the Crisis
in Homeschooling Audio CD set: $28 (Free syllabus available on download page)
Parenting Teens with the Wisdom of Solomon PTW: 6-disc CD set $39 PTV: 6-disc DVD set $80 (Free syllabus available on download page)
Without proper biblical discipline, children can be sources of great stress, and they grow up lacking qualities and character traits necessary for maturity. However, many discipline-minded parents exasperate their children because they fail to distinguish between "will" and "skill" issues. They seek to motivate by punishment when they should inspire by rewards. The Scriptures reveal that God motivates by both warnings of curses, but also by promises of blessing -- by punishment, but also by rewards. Parents who learn God's balance will discover that their children flourish all the more.
Teaching children at home is no simple task, but with some children it is more difficult than with others. This workshop is for the mom who has one type of particularly challenging child -- some would call him or her "A.D.D." These children are inattentive, highly distractible, fidgety, and impulsive. They fail to pick up social cues and have difficulty keeping friends. They are especially challenging, because they are disruptive to the education of their brothers ands sisters. These children receive excessive attention, but they often feel our anger and ultimately, our rejection. From her own experience, and with wisdom from God's Word, Beverly helps parents find a practical plan for loving and teaching difficult children. $7
A biblical and scientific look at the effects of TV on viewers. $7
This book is considered by many to be the deepest and most comprehensive work on biblical child training ever written. It has the depth of a seminary textbook, yet the simplicity of a practical how-to manual. It was through this book and the associated video series that Reb received his foundation for biblical parenting. That is why Reb recommends his own “Child Training Tips” as a supplement to this excellent work. Reb regards this book as invaluable, because it delves into the workings of a child’s heart and offers to parents a Bible-based plan for teaching self-discipline and godly values. It is no wonder that this book has been accepted by thousands of Bible-believing churches as the standard text on child training for almost twenty years. This 2nd edition publication contains 80 new pages of author comments, examples, and anecdotes. CTB $13.00
What the
Bible Says About Child Training This Workbook/Study Guide is a companion to the book to What the Bible Says About Child Training, by J. Richard Fugate. It contains 88 pages of review questions, personal application and discussion points, and memory verses for each chapter organized within a suggested 13-week schedule of reading assignments and class discussions. CTW $14.95