Have you been
part of a group that you thought enjoyed special enlightenment? Did you feel
sorry for those outside the group and worried for anyone who left or moved away?
Did your leaders keep tight control over group members, and discredit anyone who
didn't agree with them or chose to leave? Did the group take pride in its high
“biblical” standards, but held everyone to standards that merely reflected the
leaders' opinions about the Scriptures? Was there an emphasis on externals, like
how to groom or dress and what corruptions must be avoided? Did the leaders'
constantly criticize other groups and continually expose those they labeled as
“false teachers,” so now you don't know where to go or what to believe? Having
left, does it feel like a weight has been lifted from you?
A growing trend among Christians today is the establishment of home fellowships in place of the more traditional "organized" church. These home churches are attractive because they lack many of the trappings of larger, program-oriented churches, but they can easily become imbalanced if they are not patterned closely after the organizational structure of the New Testament Church. As a pastor who planted a home church which has grown to over 400 members, Reb presents the Bible's guidelines for local church structure and organization. $7
Twentieth century Christianity produces more backsliders than true converts -- typically 80-90% of those making "decisions" for Christ never follow through on their commitment to follow Him. Evangelists of past centuries never saw this extreme level of failure. Ray Comfort exposes why our modern approach to evangelism fails, and how we can return to a more biblical and fruitful means of presenting the gospel. $5
A spiral-bound, 134 pages, 8 1/2 X 11 textbook. Bible-Based Hermeneutics is an introductory resource designed to assist in the analytical, word-by-word interpretation of Scripture. This hermeneutical approach asserts that every word used in every passage of Scripture must be studied. Each word has a distinct characteristic, a specific meaning, and must be defined with proper consideration given for its complete grammar. The objective of this resource is for its reader to learn how to reach accurate conclusions and substantiate them solely from Scripture. In order to comprehend God’s Word in depth, it is important to attempt to discover, as completely as possible, what was in the Author’s mind, that is, to know what the biblical passage means by discovering the specific meaning of each word that is used. Bible-Based Hermeneutics intends to provide the methods to achieve the goal of determining the most precise meaning of God’s Word. $25 Also available from Logos software as a digital download.
This is a technical textbook intended for pastors